Are Men Singular Task Oriented Creatures
August 13, 2008
Well if you ask me I would most assuredly say YES! This came to me while writing another article to be posted later in the month. A bit more about this phenomenon later. But it occurred to me that there isn’t really a whole lot out there in the blogisphere about purchasing gifts but from the male perspective. I think most men are like me, they really truly want to remember all of the gift giving occasions required of us and I don’t mean that as blunt as that sounds but think of this from the male perspective, we are single task oriented! We are set on project ”A” lets say and then we have a hard time multi tasking until we complete project A. Whereas the female brain I think is set up to multi task much better then us men. I am the first to admit it too. My wife can spin 18 plates, while making dinner, calling a vendor for pricing and using her right foot to change the toner cartridge in the printer (just kidding on the foot part). But it is true that men, for the most part, are singular task oriented species. So for the guys out there who consistently forget those special days like your wedding anniversary, birthdays and most holidays if they weren’t repeated to us over and over via every commercial medium, I say take control of this portion of your life as it is really important to remember and acknowledge the person who shares your life.
I am Mike Brown and I approve this blog post : )
I can be reached at [email protected]
Oh, and shop!