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New Web Site, Anniversaries and My Soul Mate

As we head in to bridal/wedding season I would like to update you on the new products coming out including a new web site, devoted totally to brides and grooms. We do not want to release the name of the site just yet, but it will be awesome and totally different then anything you have seen before.

And I can not go on without mentioning that 19 years ago this Monday I married my very best friend, my soul mate, and in every way the finest person I have ever known. My husband has been by my side through everything. He is compassionate, loving, extremely funny, very good natured, spoils me rotten and makes me feel good about me “being me”. This man faces huge physical obstacles over the next few months. He has taken every good and bad diagnoses with a willingness to trust and go through the extreme pain he faces every day to get better. And never complains. He faces more physical hurdles in the future and I want him to know I will be by his side every step of the way. I am so blessed to have him in my life. My daughter knows she has a father who loves and adores her and would do any thing for her. He is quite wonderful and I am so blessed to have had these 19 years with him and look forward to many many more. Happy Anniversary Mike, if I had to do it all over again I wouldn’t change one thing, except marry you sooner.


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