OOOPS! I Forgot My Anniversary…What Excuse Should I Use AND How To Prevent Future Occurrences?
July 15, 2007
Most of us have been there; working late, mind preoccupied with projects that MUST be completed, working on getting that promotion or receiving recognition for a job well done. Sacrifices being made in order to obtain the “Good Life” for you and your significant other. Then IT hits you. Your Anniversary Date! And of course it is today. No time left to make plans, select a gift that displays the importance of this day or even bring flowers home at a decent hour as to display the fact that you DID NOT forget.
For whatever reason the male species are typically the likely culprits of this tragedy. It isn’t that we don’t care or that we don’t view this date as important – we do!. It’s just that we typically have blinders on when it comes to important occasions such as anniversaries and birthdays. It is a male defect. But it can be retrained. How you ask? Use today’s tools. Computer, cell phones, BlackBerries and other electronic media all have calendars that provide appointment/project reminders. However some of us either do not use this tool effectively or do not use them at all. For those of you that do not use this invaluable tool my suggestion is to start. Believe me it will save you a ton of grief and, if used optimally, will even provide benefits that can better be described in other blogs. For those of us that need help with scheduling please take note of the following. THE DAY OF YOUR ANNIVERSARY IS TOO LATE!! Schedule time to plan AND schedule time to execute your plan. When it comes to anniversaries most ladies are impressed with effort. Yes, a perfect evening or day celebrating your wedding is wonderful but the effort is what counts. Picking up a box of candies and a card at the corner drug store at 7:00pm ain’t gonna cut it! So, plan this day well in advance. Make it special for her and trust me she will make it special for you.
OK, so you get the planning thing and realize this is the action you must take for all future anniversaries. But, what if you are reading this on the day of that special event and find yourself with no time to even swing by the local drug store for the card and one of those roses conveniently placed at the cash register. You can go the Joliet Jake Blues route and use the type of excuses he uses when confronted by his ex-fiancé, in the movie The Blues Brothers (Flashing his baby blues he cries “I ran out of gas. I, I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts. IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD.”) or you can take or more realistic approach – the truth. No excuses.
Here’s my thought on making excuses… Don’t, just be honest. Chances are she will forgive you and if you try to find a way to really make it up to her she will most certainly forgive you. Think of something that is unusual and special. Remember that effort is the key word. Put true effort into this and the anniversary day that you forgot could turn into a day that she will remember with truly fond memories.
As a final note women forget also - just not as much!!
Visit us for all of your anniversary gift needs (even the late ones) at
Our thanks to Mike Brown for this thought provoking article and glance into the male mind.